Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Newcomer Story

Every one of us had an ancestor who came over from the "old country." Each one of those "newcomers" had a story to tell. Some of the stories related to why they left the old country. Some told of things that occurred on the trip here. Yet others tell about their first experiences here in the new country. What is the family story that has been passed down from your immigrant ancestor?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Keeper of the family records

Every family has someone who keeps records on the family. They are the ones who known where everyone lives, who the spouses are and where the spouses' families are from. Who came from where and why. They might also collect all the family documents, have copies of the family bibles, and most certainly have the greatest collection of family pictures! (They also know all the "dirt" in the family and how far back in the closet those skeletons are. ;-) Hey, we ALL have them.) Who's that person in your family? Are they on Facebook? Are they willing to share some of the data for the big family project? Have them get in touch with me or send me (by private email) contact information and I'll be happy to add them to my list!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Where are your grandparents from?

What town back in the "old country" are your grandparents from? If you're looking at your grandparents having been born here in the U.S., ask them where their grandparents were born!

LEGUTKI and Variants

We're using this spot to add information on LEGUTKA, LEGUTKE, LEGUTKI, LEGUTKO, LEGUTKY and any other variants.